ADV7623 codes genarated by the OSD tool
Hello, Is it OK to embeded the codes genarated by the OSD tool into U-boot included in GPL licence.I think the codes need to be open to public,though. Regards, Ian
View ArticleRe: ADV7513 Image not stable
Hi Matt, Sorry, therer is a typo in my last message. I should say 'thanks for your asking'.I hope you have a great day. Regards, Peter
View ArticleRe: ADAU 1442 PCM Inputs
Hello, There might be a confusion in nomenclature here. I2S (inter-IC sound) is an audio interface that transfers data encoded in linear PCM (pulse code modulation) format. So, I2S actually is a kind...
View ArticleRe: how do i decrease Iq with adp160
Hello LucaV,actually, i didn't measure the load current, i used a RTC IC(pcf8563) as load, and it's working current is less than there was no DMM on Vout port.on the other hand,,when i make Vout...
View ArticleRe: how do i decrease Iq with adp160
How did you measure the input current?Can you draw everything that is connected.And can you give me the part numbers of the caps you used? Luca
View ArticleRe: ADE7753 work as a Bidirection or Unidirection metering
Hi Alpesh Yes. ADE7757A can denote negative active energy using a REVP pin output and hence can be used for bidirectional metering, as long as the specs and features of the product meet the end...
View ArticleRe: Neutral Signal Connection in ADE 7758 IC
Hi zubair_3030 To my earlier point, have you taken the frequency spectrum of the input signal and analysed it? Kindly attach a spectrum plot or FFT of the signal applied. Also, probe the signal with an...
View ArticleRe: 3Phase 3 Wire Vrms measurement ?
Hi goldkwang When using a 3phase metering chip like ADE7878 for 3P3W delta configuration VRMS measurements, you will need to assume a common leg for the three voltage measurements, as all the single...
View ArticleRe: ADE7878 Angle Selection - Instantaneous Angle Register Update?
Hi ProgrammerAndy When the ANGLESEL bits of the COMPMODE register are changed to another configuration, you will have to wait till you get zero-crossings( negative to positive transition) on all the...
View ArticleRe: Blackfin KOOP not alive anymore?
Excuse me for revisiting this old thread. I know that the old KOOP was distributed among other servers described in However, there were 3-rd party projects on the...
View ArticleAD650 F/V converter not working.
Hi,we are using AD650 as frequency to voltage converter. After going through all the related application notes and datasheet, i have designed the circuit. And now we are in doing bringup for the same....
View ArticleRe: AD9467 native FMC: VHDL version instead of Verilog
Ian, Which xco file are you referring to? This question has been asked many times before. At present all of our reference designs are Verilog with a few exceptions. Unless it is a behavioral code, you...
View ArticleRe: AD9467 native FMC
Hi Kiel, This is an error in the BOM. The crystal is a 250MHz Vectron crystal. It will need some work on the board to get the crystal to drive the ADC. Moreover, the crystal performance is very...
View ArticleRe: ADV7511 Reference Design for KC705 Development Board
Sorry Rejeesh, I might be confusing you and thanks for helping me out over the weekend. I like to use the default flow, I started to use these different ways of doing it because I thought the default...
View ArticleRe: Odd SPI response from ADIS16488
This case is interesting but some of the symptoms are familiar. Since you are getting the right result sometimes (0x4065), my mind is still on the communication signals. In cases like this, here are...
View ArticleRe: Addressing 4MB flash memory from BF53x
Thank you, Prashant. The EZ-KIT schematic has a nearly identical solution to what I came up with. The only difference in the logic is that I reduced A20 = AND(AMS0, AMS1), whereas the solution in the...
View ArticleRe: Huge offset voltage with ADA4897-1
Simon, The current bias on these amplifiers was indeed causing the large voltage offset at the output. My source impedance is too high to use with the ADA4897; however, some of the amplifiers...
View ArticleRe: ADIS16265 Calibration
If you are referring to the auto-null function (COMMAND[0]) then I would start with the device configured to offer +/-80 deg/sec. If you are looking for best accuracy and are going to do the manual...
View ArticleADIS16480 - How to restore complete factory configuration?
We develop a platform stabilisation application with ADIS16480. First, ADIS16480 was connected to an ATXMega192A3U controller and all worked fine: We could change registers, read Euler angles etc. A...
View ArticleRe: ADIS16480 - How to restore complete factory configuration?
Hello Gerald,I am sorry that this has been a challenge for you. Table 9 is the complete list of user accessible registers. What does the FIRM_REV register read? I can use that information to check...
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