Re: 3Phase 3 Wire Vrms measurement ?
thanks hmani i design circuit use ADE7754please check my schemaitc ( 3Phase ( R, S, T ), 3Wire (Delta Connection) ) 1. measurement Vrms : Vrms(R between Earth), Vrms(S between Earth), Vrms(T between...
View ArticleRe: ADM3052 with Microchip MCU problem
Also, I attached MCU to microchip MCP2551 TXD/RXD and output CANH/CANL waveform for your can normal working.
View ArticleRe: Question for calibration ADE7953 ?
Hello dlath!!!Thank you! I use in calibration with CF output pulse.Yes, I've seen 11 page graphic it corresponds. PHCALA I use when the cos 60, an input current of 250 mA at me from up to...
View ArticleRe: Blackfin KOOP not alive anymore?
Hi Wojtek, Moving the server is also a hard decision for us to make, but taking lots of things into account finally we have to make this step forward. We have been aware of the situation customer like...
View ArticleFMCOMMS1 cf-ad9122-core-lpc deferred probe error
I've been attempting to build the FMCOMMS1 ZC706 and Zedboard FPGA reference design & Linux distributions from scratch. (What I really want to do is create a headless Zedboard design-- remove...
View ArticleRe: Somebody can help me correct this code.
Hi Walker, Unfortunately the VisualAudio tools are no longer supported by ADI. The correct support route for questions regarding VisualAudio is now through the engineers at DSP Concepts,...
View ArticleRe: EZ-KIT 21489, sample rate, harmonics
Hi Peter,Sorry for the delay in replying to your query. From your explaination, I understand that you need to lower the sampling rate of the ADC from 48KHz down to 12KHz due to high processing power...
View ArticleRe: Blackfin KOOP not alive anymore?
Dear Aaron: thank you for the message on the E-Zone. I am kindly asking to revitalize the Blackstamp project. If you lost the files then I can dig them up, but it would be more convenient if you...
View ArticleRe: SD Data Logger mode with spikes(EVAL-ADXL362Z-DB)
Hello Neil,Thank you for your reply.>What's more, I did not find your test data in attachment.I'm sorry...Pls check>I would suggest you to try to use USB.....Thank you for your...
View ArticleRe: PPI Sample Count
Hi I m using DSP at 500 MHz and bus clock 125 MHz. So maximum ppi clock is 62,5 MHz. I connected 50 MHz oscilator to PPICLK pin and sampled data correctly. my flow is capturing data from ppi to memory...
View ArticleRe: ADV7623 OSD Resolutions
Hi Jeyasudha, We do not have the evaluation board yet. Rgards, Ian
View ArticleRe: Blackfin KOOP not alive anymore?
Hi Wojtek, The user wiki area is still there, but the user account has been changed after the project site transition. If you can give us your correct email and preferred user name, we can add you to...
View ArticleRe: Question about ADSP21479 Slave TWI
Hi Ning, I went through your modified slave TWI code and did not find fault in that . The salve TWI code that I had posted was checked for its working and hence it should work in your system as well ....
View ArticleMeasure milli volt with ADuC706x
Hi i want to use ADuC7060 to measure voltage in range of mv. I get to know from data sheet and browsing ENGINEERZONE that i need to provide minimum 0.1v (as bias) to ADC5 in single ended mode or there...
View ArticleRe: Blackfin KOOP not alive anymore?
Aaron:thank you for your help. Since I am a bit lost on the new sourceforge, please let me know when you are done restoring the files and please let me know what information I should provide. (You can...
View ArticleRe: Blackfin KOOP not alive anymore?
Sonic:thank you for the message. My e-mail is in my profile: My preferred name is either wojtek, or wojtek.skulski if the name "wojtek" is taken. Thank you -- Wojtek
View ArticleRe: Blackfin KOOP not alive anymore?
one more clue, the dual core BF609 now has support for the Gigabit Ethernet, code is on the git head, though it's newly up and not officially released yet, you can have a try to evaluate and be back to...
View ArticleRe: [ADV7511W] Input capacitance of the SDA and SCL pin.
Hello, Thank you for your reply.When you can get the information, please let me know it. Thank you.Best regards.Tamu
View ArticleRe: Measure milli volt with ADuC706x
One example is given for a Thermocouple in the data sheet on page 55. Another possibility is to use the DAC output or simply a resistor divider from AVDD.The absolute voltage doesn't matter as long as...
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