Re: How would voltage noises influence digitalPotentiometer performance?
Thank you very much for all the help. Your answers are really useful!
View ArticleAD9361 AGC fast attack mode
Hi, I am using AD9361 for my application. In the beginning, the ADI engineers gave me a config list which used MGC mode and the FGPA could receive the right data, Now, I want to change to AGC fast...
View ArticleRe: AD8302 and AD9834 for phase and magnitude measurement
Hi Dr. Babankumar, Please see the attachment for the answers to your questions. Hope this helps,Joel
View ArticleADIS 16480 data output issue
Hi, allNow I do the research of the navigation algorithm using ADIS 16480. I see the output of the 16480 is in navigation frame and the initialization will provides the rotation matrix. I want to...
View ArticleRe: AD9548 DPLL is not locked
Hello Ignat, The frequency lock and phase lock circuits are for monitoring only, and are independent. Were you not able to achieve phase lock by using R0x0600<7>=1? As I said before the lock...
View ArticleRe: Algorithm to suppress self-excitation?
Hi Jackie: There is a low cost way to prevent feedback. Simply use a pitch shifting block to slighly modify the signal. SigmaStudio has a built in frequency shifter block. If you need a higher quality...
View ArticleRe: Using ADI Plug-In Algorithms in Sigma Studio
Hi Alex: Superbass algorithm is available and included on SigmaStudio, simply try it out with the 1701. I don't know if it's available on SigmaStudio for the Sharc. Regards Miguel
View ArticleHow can I control the SSn with custom communication protocol via UART?
Hi everyone, For now,I have generally finished the development with sigma studio,and going to work on the communication things.To math up with the MCU controller of own present products,my hardware...
View ArticleRe: Read EEPROM from EvalBoard 1701!...
Hello, SigmaStudio includes the E2Prom Read/Write Window shown below. It appears from posts such as, however, that it hasn't worked recently. When I...
View ArticleDisable 2rx2tx mode for AD9361
Hi, I saw there was a initial parameter for enabling/disabling 2rx2tx mode in no_OS driver. When I disabled this parameter, AD9361 failed to be initialized (dig_tune function in driver return -5 error...
View ArticleRe: AD8302 and AD9834 for phase and magnitude measurement
Dear Joel!Reading your answers is always a joy! So simplified language to understand. I highly appreciate your efforts. I'm working on the things to calculate the signal levels at different i/o points...
View ArticleAMI Read data from FIFO
Hello, am an designing high speed spectrometer with ADSP-21489 running at 450MHz. Detector is read by 16b 30MSps ADC with 128 words long bursts. Data from ADC is placed to 128 words long FIFO. FIFO...
View ArticleRe: AD9548 DPLL is not locked
Hello Paul, Reading the AN-1061 attentively, I understood a non-controlling nature of the phase and frequency lock detectors. In my opinion frequency and phase locks are not threshold states such as...
View ArticleRe: a couple of question for AD8260
Hi Kaos, If those parts do not work for you, then you can use the high output current driver of the AD8260. I would recommend that you ground the input pins of the VGA and the buffer. The output...
View ArticleRe: Refection in REFA of AD9525
pkern: Maybe I find the reason for the reflection. I use HMC910 in previous of AD9525. Each pin of output diff. driver of HMC910 is connected to VCC via a 50 ohm resister, as the picture below shows....
View ArticleRe: ADIS 16480 data output issue
Check out page 30 in the ADIS16480 datasheet, with specific reference to EKF_CFG[3]. Does that meet your need? If not,...
View ArticleAD9250-FMC interposer and VC707 integration
Hi, I recently bought AD9250-EBZ and FMC Interposer Card. My aim is to capture the signal through ADC. digitise it and send it to FPGA for filtering. However as a first step, when I try to integrate...
View ArticleAD-FMCOMMS2-EB and ZC702 boot image problem
Hi,we are using ZC702 evaluation board to evaluate AD9361 device, but when i am trying to copy the image file in to SD card i am getting problem.How to copy that image file in to SD card? whether i can...
View ArticleAD9361 Tx port output power
hi, I am working on AD9361 and i am checking the output power of AD9361. I am getting -19 dBm o/p power onyl.i am using TX1A port as output port and i faced problem during changing attenuation.when i...
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