Re: Power on AD-FMCOMMS2-EBZ from ZC702
Hi, Can you check whether your ZC702 is affected by this AR #51438. Check if DS13 and DS24 light up. If they don't you need to reprogram the power supplies on your ZC702. - Lars
View ArticleRe: how to regenerate IP cores from core generator and rebuild the...
Go through this?
View ArticleRe: Sensing mechanical equipment vibration
Hi Dup!That is funny, with respect to the weather. I am not sure I can think of any place that sounds colder than Canada during this time of year but Reno, Nevada is hardly tropical during the winter....
View ArticleRe: AD1937 input into ADAU1442?
Hello Graeme, OK, then you are running in Master mode. The sample rate will be 48K. It would be best to use the ADC clocks to drive the ADAU1442 so clock domain 1 would be what you use in the Sigma...
View ArticleRe: Problem with EVAL-AD2S1200SDZ
Hi jacruz, The 2 evaluation boards must be almost identical - you should get 12 bits from both. There might be some faults that have caused this issue. Kindly check the on-board leds to help you...
View ArticleRe: ADV7441A - fixing color swap with DVI input disconnect?
Hi JimNJ, Does the HW reset effect the encoder too? I would definitely try EAV/SAV timing to the encoder.. Paul
View ArticleRe: AD1937 input into ADAU1442?
Hi Dave, Thats not good news i don't see anyway i can change the clock inputs on the finished PCB without re designing and having new boards made. Would it be better to make the 1937 run in slave mode?...
View ArticleRe: External clock for ADIS 16448
Were you able to get all of this working and achieve proper signal processing at 500SPS for your system?
View ArticleRe: AD5933: Can “Settling Time Cycles” register value be 0?
Hi Snorlax, I typically differentiate between AFE and external AFE.anyway, I would like to apologies, I didn't see that your excitation frequency is 3kHz. You have two problems,Your frequency is too...
View ArticleSensing mechanical equipment vibration
View ArticleRe: ADV7343 - PAL60 CVBS output
Hi, I'm still having trouble with PAL 60. When I set it up I get several black lines towards the top of the screen. Later lines have corruption as well. The location of the black lines is repeatable...
View ArticleRe: AD1937 input into ADAU1442?
I will check on a work around. No, slave mode will not help. I will need a little time to look into this. I will get back to you with more info as soon as I can.Thanks for your patience, Dave T.
View ArticleRe: Blank video observed with ADV7181C
1) How is your test configuration set up? sources, sinks, resolutions, is it a custom board, can you duplicate the problem with an evaluation board 2) Has this board worked in the past or is this a new...
View ArticleRe: AD9970 使用问题
we are using AD9970, output saturation voltage of sensor is 900mV, but with light intensity's increase, amplitude will increase,too. amplitude is about 1~2V, this is application premise; issue appear...
View ArticleRe: Can I expand the memory size of DPG3 ?
I don't know what signal you are trying to create, but you could consider using a shorter record length.
View ArticleRe: bf533 spi
From the zoomed in plot, it looks as though your enable-disable code for the second transfer is incorrectly blowing through the poll loop. For whatever reason, the SPIF bit must still be set, even...
View ArticleRe: frequency sweep
The ADF4159 is capable of produce a 2 GHz ramp. I have attached an ADIsimPLL file for your system. ADIsimPLL free download and introduction video here: ramping video...
View ArticleRe: ADE7758 Burden Resistor Value
Hi Kristin, Where are the "before cal" and "after cal" values from? I see they go down to two digits after the decimal point, while the register values are all whole number decimal values. The value...
View ArticleRe: ADF7020 communication distance issue
Unfortunately, questions on ISM and Licensed Band Transceivers (products with ADF7XXX part numbers) are no longer being handled on EngineerZone and should be directed to your local sales/applications...
View ArticleRe: Problem with the BF592 frequency settings
While it is good that using the HRM example solved the problem, the power services should also work for that processor. I would expect the PLL_DIV register to update to 0x4 as a result of your...
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