Hi Dup!
That is funny, with respect to the weather. I am not sure I can think of any place that sounds colder than Canada during this time of year but Reno, Nevada is hardly tropical during the winter. I don't live there any more, but still pull for my Nevada Wolf Pack (hence my screen name). Some of this may require a trial and error process.
You might want to start with characterizing your motors/platforms with the ADIS16228, which generates spectral (FFT) data for the vibration. This is the type of data that we would use to determine which solution might work best. I can see the ADXL362 being a good choice for detecting door opening, but I would wonder if you needed higher sample rates for the machine health part of this. Using a fully integrated product like the ADIS16228 might enable you to focus on studying the behaviors of the instruments and may generate insights that enable use of smaller, lower-power solutions to cover many of your systems.