ground loop problem
Hi All,This is about a ground loop problem that I should have anticipated but I did not so there.A camera is mounted on a crawler and the video feed goes through a 400 ft cable. Power to the camera is...
View ArticleRe: ADUM3190 Operation at -55 Deg C
David: We have not tested our product for these mil std tests. The product was released in the past year and may not have had time yet for someone to use it yet in a military/aircraft system. If you...
View ArticleRe: AD9958 internal reference clock with 25MHz Crystal
Hi jonasz, I think you should also take off C21 and C22 because they are also tied off to the ground. They could have change the load capacitance of your crystal. RegardsLouijie
View ArticleRe: AD9958 internal reference clock with 25MHz Crystal
Hi jonasz, I've answered this on your first thread. ThanksLouijie
View ArticleRe: exact protocol to configure ic ad9959
Hi rahul, I just want to ask the kind of protocol you are referring. Are you talking about the digital interface protocol? Or the protocols above the physical layer? And on what kind of application is...
View ArticleRe: parallel byte interface mode of AD7606
Hi, Kou. I suggest you follow the datasheet recommendation of grounding the DB[13:9] pins when PAR/SER/BYTE SEL=1. As I mentioned, the part could work outside of these conditions, however, we could not...
View ArticleAD9559 : Frequency Clamp
Hello, I have a question about AD9559 device.I cannot find the formula to calculate the frequency clamp function in AD9559 datasheet.Please let me know the formula and some information about the...
View ArticleRe: INT1 and INT2 on adxl345EB
Hi Ebtehal, Please leave INT1 and INT2 open, no connect if you did not use the interrupt.Thanks. BRNeil
View ArticleRe: ADV212 16bit-RAWPIXEL and JDATA mode problems
Hello DaveD Now I want to use ADV212 to compress a series of 2048 * 1024 images. Here are my questions: 1). How could I decompose a image? I find the maximum size a tile can contain is 512*512 in this...
View ArticleRe: ADV7612 with SONY DVD player BDP-S490 sync lose issue
Dear Jeyasudha, I have sent the player to concerned team in Ireland. Even we thought that the issue may be cause by SONY DVD player, but our customer's platform have another HDMI Rx (Himax HX6A29) at...
View ArticleRe: About ADV212 Problem
Hello Dave, I have upload a accessory ( above. I encode it for about 60s, and i decode the whole file for about 30s. VFORMAT = 0x01 16bit normal host mode....
View ArticleADV7604 recommned setting of EQ
Hi ADI , For my understandings , please let me know a detail of EQ setting. Your recommended setting of ADV7604 HDMI Map 0x8D (18) and 0x8E (34) , how many gain will be boost / reduce for each LF and...
View ArticleRe: Debugging - SHARC with external SDRAM
Hi, Here are my following suggestions for you to try at your end:If you are able to modify the code(instead of loading the .dxe), can you place ‘jump(pc,0);’ as first instruction inside the main...
View ArticleADG3247 : How to use
Hello, Our customer examines use of ADG3247, and there is a question. 1,The customer intends to input the same signal into two input. The outputting device of this signal is the following...
View ArticleRe: ADIsimPLL. Chip Programming Assistant. Freq < Fmin
Fmin is the lower frequency range of the PLL design you specified for ADIsimPLL and ADIsimPLL restricts operation to this range. In this case you have specified a fixed-frequency PLL, so Fmin = Fmax...
View ArticleRe: Intel 8080 bus example for sending commands, data
Hi, Glad to know that this works for you. Please let me know in case you have any further queries. Thanks,Harshit
View ArticleRe: Slew Rate of VCO in ADISimPLL: Definition?
The Slew Rate parameter can be ignored, it will probably be deleted in an upcoming version. It was added to support the use of these libraries with ADIsimCLK where the waveform slew rate was an...
View ArticleRestrictions of ADV7431
Hello, Is there the limitation at time before starting I2C control after power supply start?When I go software reset (SubAddessReg:0x17) in I2C, is there the limitation at time before starting I2C...
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