AD9914 JITTER ingredient solutions to minimize
<Reference>AD9914 Evolution Board with reference to the circuit designs Questions1SignaljitterthanexistingcomponentsWaver200 ~ 300PS. All I want istherea planto minimizejitter RED-...
View ArticleIBIS models for AD5441 & AD5446.
Hi Team, Our customer needs IBIS models for AD5441 & AD5446.I can't find them on the web.Where can I find them?Or what is an alternative thing? Regards,Tar-Bow
View ArticleRe: ADAU 1701 Miniz - No audio output?
I know this is an old thread, but I have a suggestion. You could try using a JFET-input op amp... I would recommend a specific one, but it's not from Analog Devices! Set it up in a non-inverting buffer...
View ArticleRe: ADAU1772 SPI Boot from uC
Hi Robert, It looks like this is an old question, but I'll give it a shot. The ADAU1772 requires a single address byte, and unfortunately that's not configurable. That is true whether you use the I2C...
View ArticleRe: ADAU1772 SPI Boot from uC
Whoops, I forgot to post the link. There is a Blackfin community here:Blackfin Processors
View ArticleRe: Input signal protection on ADAU1761/1781
Hi chuckwin, It looks like this is an old thread, but I'll try to answer if it's helpful for you. I personally have fried a few ADAU1701s in my day. I believe there are internal overvoltage protection...
View ArticleRe: Input signal protection on ADAU1761/1781
I forgot to answer your question about thermal protection. Based on the datasheets, there is no evidence of thermal protection built-in to SigmaDSPs. However, the new ADAU1452 has an integrated thermal...
View ArticleRe: ADAU1452 evaluation board Manual and Schematic
Sorry to resurrect an old thread, but it looks like the user guide has been published!
View ArticleRe: ADAU1445 I2C problems
Hi Marc, I don't have a lot of the hardware that would make it easy to perform this test, but I discovered a feature in SigmaStudio that makes it pretty easy to try this out. It's called the Sequencer....
View ArticleRe: ADAU1701 SigmaStudioFW.h
Hey Yagami; I will try to post some I2C data tomorrow. However, I am able to load the DSP enough to start up a simple program. [500hz sine wave generator, mute switch, DAC3 output] I also entered debug...
View ArticleRe: CN0326: Isolated Low Power pH Monitor with Temperature Compensation
Dear Sir, We are excited to see pH monitor with Temperature compensation application and would like to know more on this as below 1) This has reference to the configuration available in the evaluation...
View ArticleRe: Problem in output from CF pin of ADE7757 IC
Hi himani! 1- I have started getting pulses, don't know how.. And the pulses vary when the load changes i.e. they increase with an increase in the load and decrease when load decreases. The pulses stop...
View ArticleRe: ADAU1701 I2C communication with mcu
Hi Yagami, thank you for your support! I shifted the slave address from 0x68 to 0x34 and they are finally communicating. I guess it's something with Arduino Wire library cause i had to bit-shift other...
View ArticleAD8343 for 6 MHz frequency mixing
Hi, I have an application that requires taking the difference of two differential 6 MHz frequencies. I am considering using the AD8343. The application is for a test instrument. I would hope for output...
View ArticleBetter to mix or multiply
Hi, I am trying to measure the difference in frequency between two closely spaced 6 MHz signals. This is for a sensitive research measurement instrument. Is it better to mix or multiply to achieve...
Hi Amruta, The QPSK genarator block in the model you attached generates the qpskmodulated signal. Best,Di
View ArticleRe: My DSP/DAC Project
Thanks for the input Yagami.But there is a bit more treachery a foot here.. Here's a quick road map: DSP1:BLCK0/RLCLK0 -> BLCK2/RLCLK2 : I2S Input From Digital Input Board ( DIX9211 )BLCK3/RLCLK3...
View ArticleRe: working with AD-FMCOMMS1 at low sampling rate
Lars, Sorry. That was a midnight flub. I should have paid attention to address 0x8000000 (ADC memory). Anyways, here is the register records on DAC DMA, for fs = 491.52MSPS:AXI_DMAC_REG_CTRL:...
View ArticleHelp w/ ADSP-21489... DUAL SIMD MAC 40bit Floating Point
Talking (emailing) with an ADI applications engineer... he's VERY good... but, I'm getting frustrated not being able to find ANY good descriptions about how the DAGs are set-up to do DUAL SIMD MAC...
View Article{{த்தை}}} Watch Full Veronica Mars Online Free Movie Megashare Streaming
Folks point out I’m the marshmallow,” quips the actual titular, once-teenage gumshoe associated with Veronica Mars, in a early suggestion of the loath to all or any the self-described marshmallows in...
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