ADL5380 DSB NF Measurement
Would you please let me know how to measure the DSB NF for ADL5380?If you are using a NF meter with DSB NF measurement option, would you please give me some information on how the test equipment is...
View ArticleRe: max current is required on the AD7714 reference input (REF IN+)?
Thank you ferdi. That's not much.Ron
View ArticleUsing EVAL-AD5791SDZ as DC Source for AD9266-20EBZ
Hello, so I'm not really sure if I should ask this question here or the High Precision DAC section...but I'll just try here first. I want to apply a DC signal to the AD9266-20EBZ, but as now of the...
View ArticleHow can i change the field order of interlaced input in ADV7441 decoder chip
Hi All, We have a some urgent requirement where we need to change the default field order of NTSC interlaced input.Can anyone please help me, how can i achieve the same? --Thanks,Hitesh
View ArticleRe: ADV7604 CSC/Clamping for DVI RGB pass thru mode
Hi, In addition to the requested info on the analyser, can you please answer the following questions: 1. How are you reading back the colour levels?2. Is this happening on one channel or on all...
View ArticleRe: How can i change the field order of interlaced input in ADV7441 decoder chip
Hi Hitesh, As you may know, ADV7441A is not recommended for new designs. I will see if anybody knows if there is a way to change the default field order of NTSC input, but I don't know if we will be...
View ArticleRe: Questions about using the Xilinx KC705 with our FMCOMMS1 board...
Hiro, Are you familiar with chipscope? That is the only way to probe that interface.Just add them in the MHS and you should be able to monitor if it is stalled or not. Thanks,Rejeesh
View ArticleRe: Audio project - 2D speaker array and mic array
Op amp U22 on the evaluation board can be used as a preamp for the microphone input. I believe that this is described in the eval board's user guide.
View ArticleRe: ADV7623 Color Space Configuration Question
There is no automatic support for this. It needs to be taken care in the software.Actually, AVI info frame, Audio info frame, ACP Packet, SPD Packet, ISRC packet, GMD packet, MPEG packet, VS Packet,...
View ArticleRe: AD5684 Voltage Reference
Hi Miguel, Thank you very much for all your help. I would like to ask one more thing. As far as i know the DAC's are very sensitive to electromagnetic noise from switching frequencies... On the same...
View ArticleRe: ADV7842 External Memory Controller
Hi, I would recommended, for the most robust design, to follow the unused pins recommendations in Appendix C of the Hardware Manual which is available from the design support files...
View ArticleRe: PSpice simulation about ADuM3223
Hello Joseph, I believe your simulation is working properly. Nice work. The gate voltage seen by the HS-MOSFET M9 should be measured from G-HS-U1 to PH (Since this is the Mosfet gate to GNDA). Once you...
View ArticleRe: ADV7842 VGA Operation
mattp, HDMI_FRUN_EN did not work in Graphics mode. Although, I find that setting the VIDEO_STD to 0x3F makes the Horizontal and Vertical signals stay high and not generated a frequency. The best...
View ArticlelibHDMI_MicroBlazeLib.a vs LibHDMILib.a
Dear All; Wiki: refers to the library named: LibHDMILib.a. However when I got the no-os files, the lib is named libHDMI_MicroBlazeLib.a. What...
View Articlehow to implement bidirectional 32 bit standard 4 wire spi master mode
Hi,Dear ADI specailist and Fans: I want to driver adas1000 (ADI ECG front-end) with sharc 21489. But I found it's difficult to implement bidirectional 32 bit/16bit communication through standard 4 wire...
View ArticleADE7753 work as a Bidirection or Unidirection metering
Dear Sir, We will like to design energy meter for Home Application and Smart Grid for Bi-direction Metering. Please let us know ADE7753 work as Bi direction or Uni direction metering in single phase....
View ArticleRe: SPORT2 in Multichannel mode
Hello Sachin The sequence in which I am enabling the SPORTs are:Enable SPORT2 in Tx mode.Enable SPORT3 in Tx mode.Enable SPORT2 in Rx modeEnable SPORT3 in Rx mode. SPORT2 and SPORT3 are getting enabled...
View ArticleRe: ADuM3223, input logic of VIA VIB when High-Z
Hello RSchnell, Thank you very much for your clarifications. We will put them in our mind when using. Best Regards,
View ArticleADE7880 - RESET
Hi,We are using the metering IC ADE7880 in combination with LPC3250 processor for our metering prototype unit. It has been 6 months since the start of the project and recently we have observed that...
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