In addition to the requested info on the analyser, can you please answer the following questions:
1. How are you reading back the colour levels?
2. Is this happening on one channel or on all channels?
3. Can you try setting the following controls and check the output after each step?
3a. Set CP Map, 0x6C[7:6] to 0 to disable internally calculated clamping
3b. Set CP Map, 0x73[7] to 1 and A_GAIN, B_GAIN, C_GAIN set to unity (see hardware manual for description)
3c. Set A_OFFSET, B_OFFSET and C_OFFSET to 0 (see hardware manual for description)
3d. Set CP Map, 0x68[7:4] to 0 and ensure all CSC coefficients are set to 0.
Set all of the gains to unity
can you confirm if the issue is occurring on all channels or on one particular channel? How are you reading back the