Re: ADIS16448 can't return ID during one read
Hello zhai_mI am also working with stm32f407 & trying to read the ADIS16448Since you have experience now in reading ADIS via stm32, I want to ask you if possible, to explain me what is the best...
View ArticleRe: flash programming problem
ok, I've added all the required definitions so no errors appear but when I run the program it always halts. when I step over the program, it seems that it stucks in "AFP_Error = UNKNOWN_COMMAND;", so...
View ArticleRe: ADE7878 Evaluation Board - Beginner
Hi David, I am waiting for your reply. I am stuck at the same point. I need your guidance to move forward. I hope you reply at the earliest. While you answer my above questions, I have one more...
View ArticleADF4350/1 & ADCLK846
Hi I need to clock several AD9613 ADCs simultaneously, with a configurable clock. I've thought about using an oscillator to as input the ADF4350/1 PLL to generate the clock, then distribute it to all...
View ArticleRe: ad9361
Have you checked out the on line documentation? It details the simulation solution (based on MathWotks SimRF), and the Linux drivers,...
View ArticleRe: Evaluation board EVAL-ADV7612-7511P
The scripts only handle configuring the devices in a static mode for various formats. EDID and HDCP handling is a dynamic process which the embedded 'repeater' code handles. To get the 'repeater' you...
View ArticleAD7856 Calibration mode and test mode
Hi , My customer is using AD7856 now, They don't know when they should use Calibration mode and test mode, And there are no more detailed description about test register and calibration...
View ArticleRe: AD7794 Evaluation Kit LabVIEW Source Code?
Dear Chris,I'd be interested to the Labview source code and/or libraries to make the eval board work in my Labview program.May You send me any information/material/link?Many thanks in advance!David
View ArticleRe: ADN4605 - External Update pin doesn't operate as specified
Hello Jarrod I update the recommended timing (with extra more) , but without any result . The hardware UPDATE is still not working. I add signal capture : CS – Yellow SCK – Blue SDI – Pink UPDATE...
View ArticleZedboard ADV7511 HDL reference design - Vivado
Analog Devices provided the reference HDL design for ADV7511 for zedboard for Vivado.I downloaded the designs from, when I built the...
View ArticleRe: AD-FMCOMMS1-EBZ Evaluation Software and VHDL code
All the sources are on GitHub: Analog Devices Inc. · GitHub You may want to start from here: AD-FMCADC2-EBZ FMC Board [Analog Devices Wiki]
View ArticleRe: Vivado 2014.2 possible bug
Thanks for letting us know. However we don't really do any of these workshops nor are we familiar with the project that gave you this error. If you are looking for an answer/solution- it is best to...
View ArticleLabVIEW Interfacing with AD9914 Eval Board
Hey All,I am looking to communicate with an AD9914 eval board through LabVIEW. I’ve checked out old engineerzone posts and nothing seems to be recent or giving me the help I need. I was wondering if...
View ArticleRe: AD-FMCOMMS1-EBZ Evaluation Software and VHDL code
Thank you very much for the information!One last question,Is the code in this address: hdl/system_top.v at master · analogdevicesinc/hdl · GitHub the source code of the builded pre-image...
View Articlelow cost hart sensors (AD5700)
hi, I am using an AD5700 as HART modem on my board. For demo purpose, I am looking for low cost light HART sensors . Have you some manufacturers to propose ? Thanks,
View ArticleRe: AD-FMCOMMS1-EBZ Evaluation Software and VHDL code
Almost - The prebuild uses the 2014_R2 branch. -Michael
View ArticleRe: Direct Digital Synthesis Start-Up
Hi Arslan, If you don't mind me asking, how did you get communication to work? I've heard from most customers in the past that most USB to parallel port adapters do not work. I created a powerpoint...
View ArticleRe: AD9361 PA usage
As mentioned in the previous post, Tx1 and Tx2 can run simultaneously, but you need to pick either A or B.Tx1:A and Tx2:A can run simultaneously or Tx1:B and Tx2"B can run simultaneously. Tx output...
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