Re: Reading data from ADIS16060
Initially, hardware SPI driver was used. This driver are capable to communicate at 2.0 and 2.6 MHz. But result was the same. Additionally, this driver clocks SCLK only if I send some data. To wait...
View Articlebf609 can simultaneously support two EMAC?
hi, bf609 has two EMAC interfaces, two interfaces can be used simultaneously ? If in uclinux , the how to configure two network ports open ?
View ArticleRe: AD9910 PLL stability
Thanks, I am now programming the DDS Eval board with an external microprocessor. Hence, I don't think the GUI has anything to do with it. The PLL is unstable if I either program the DDS with the GUI or...
View ArticleRe: bf609 can simultaneously support two EMAC?
So far only one MAC is enabled in the release, you may have to take the currently working one as example to enable another one.
View ArticleRe: bf609 otg problem
Sorry now that the hardware is not correct/stable everything is unpredictable, I would suggest you to move to a standard USB cable.
View ArticleRe: App note-isolated loop powered 4-20 ma converter
Sir, Thanks. I will go through these. Regards VTC
View ArticleRe: where is the center point of ADIS16448/PCBZ ?
sorry for being late. i need to integrate the output from this ADIS with another EVAL-ADXL345Z and use it in my project. but to do that..... i have a relation that requires the distance between the...
View ArticleEven Odd pixel swap
Hi All I am using ADV7619 in 2 x SDR 4:4:4 Interleaved (0x54) mode. Even and odd pixel line of RGB data are swapped in design.Is there any way in software to swap even and odd line without hardware...
View ArticleADB7189B I2C Interface Problem
Hello All, We are using ADB7189B as an analog decoder IC for our video application and trying to configure it via I2C interface. Our I2C interface is running at a slow...
View ArticleProgram works in Debug Mode but doesn't work when loaded in Flash - BF437 EZ...
Good Day Everyone! When my blackfin (BF537 EZ Kit Lite Silicon Rev 0.3) is connected via Debug Agent, my program runs smoothly However, when I tried loading it to Flash, the program doesn't work...
View ArticleRe: about AD9945(A/D converter)
Min/max values for SHP and SHD pulse width with depend on the pixel rate. The exact width is not critical, since only one edge of each signal is used for sampling the analog signal- typically, a pulse...
View ArticleRe: Please provide us the configuration details for YUV & RGB input...
1) I assume you have 100nF caps in the RGB lines as shown in the reference schematic.2) how are you programming 0xC3 and 0xC4. They control which analog input goes to which ADC.
View ArticleCan ADV7524A support RGB imager input without DDR?
Hello, Looks like the ADV7524A can only support RGB imagers on the rising and falling edge (DDR.) Can it support RGB on just either edge? Thanks in advance.Scott
View ArticleRe: Can ADV7524A support RGB imager input without DDR?
Hi Scott, Unfortunately, ADV7524A is still under NDA (all the portable TXs are) so we can't discuss it on the forum. You'll need to contact ADI Sales. Dave
View ArticleRe: ADV7511 480i support/interface
What about the second question? The documentation indicate that the input detection VIC 0x3E is used to generate the HDMI infoframe. If the proper input standard is not detected by the ADV7511, how...
View ArticleRe: ADV7511 480i support/interface
Manually by putting the right VIC in the transmit registers. See programming guide section 4.3.3, 2nd paragraph
View ArticleRe: Questions about AD807
Dear Customer, Thank you for being interested in our CDR products.AD807 is one 5V, narrow band CDR. Its capture/tracking ranges are both from 155MHz to 156MHz. To support a 50MHz or 50Mbps data stream...
View ArticleADAU1701 has Noise but changeing PLL filter will be gone. why?
Hello Gens, I have developed a PCB of ADAU1701 with I2S AMP. Everything is good from input analog singal. However, there is noise from ADAU1701.I found the problem seems from Jitter or somewhere...
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