fully differential instrumentation amplifier
Hi, Is there any single chip fully differential instrumentation amplifier on Analog Device product line ? Or differential output Instrumentation amplifier ?If not, is there any specific reason why ?...
View ArticleRe: ADV7623 Resister setting value.
Hello, I'll check with an expert on this part and let you know. Dave
View ArticleRe: Programming ADAS1000
Good evening, I was able to program ADAS adding a series Resistor of 10 K on SDO path. Now I can' t see a response form the device while I send a command of get register to PACEAMPTH to see 0x242424 on...
View ArticleRe: IRE at ADV7171 without pedestal setting
Hello, Note that this part is not recommended for new designs and the recommended part would be ADV734X or ADV739X. As such, it might take a bit to get information on it but I'll check. Dave
View ArticleRe: BF524 USB block power
Hello Mack, The USB controller will not be damaged is USB VBUS is present while USBVDD is off. I am assuming you're using the latest silicon revision 0.2. I'm also assuming that the 5V_USB in your...
View ArticleRe: VBUS error Interrupt on BF527 USB MSD Host Driver
Hello, Please provide a full description of the issue. Which software tools are you using? e.g., VisualDSP++, CrossCore Embedded Studio? Are you using the stack as is or did you make modifications?...
View ArticleEVAL-AD5360/61/62/63EBZ USB Software
I am trying to use the EVAL-AD5360/61/62/63EBZ in a .NET application (Visual Studio 2010) that uses the ADI_CYUSB_USB4.dll. The evaluation board works with the provided software. There is not too much...
View ArticleRe: AD7699, Temperature measurement
Hi Frank, The datasheet spec 283 mV may typically represent room temperature, but it could vary with temperature and due to process variartion across mutliple parts as you have noticed from the above...
View ArticleRe: ADV7511 ZedBoard design with MicroBlaze instead of ARM Cortex-A9
Hi, I've run into the same problem you originally had trying to bring up the VC707 reference design on a custom board without the I2C switch, where execution gets stuck in the HAL_PlatformInit()...
View ArticleRe: AD7699, Temperature measurement
Hi Maithil, Good point. We’re doing some temperature testing, I’ll see what additional data I can gather. Regards,Frank
Lars,I see the setup (using register writes - Xil_Out32) but I don't see the actual call/write to do a Video DMA transfer. The function I'm referring to is InitHdmiVideoPcore. Can you advise? The...
View ArticleRe: sharc usb extender on 21469 board, porting example code to VDK
Thanks for offering to help debug my code and private support. However I have stripped my code from everything except the USB code. Feel free to use this code as you wish. First I made a VDK thread...
View ArticleRe: AD7699, Temperature measurement
Hi Maithil, We did some temperature testing, and the AD7699 went along for the ride. In other words, we have the temp of the chamber, and the temp of another component on the board, but not the actual...
View Articlegpio-addr-flash: probe of gpio-addr-flash.0 failed with error -22
Please bear with me I am new to the Blackfin and uCLinux but have dove in head first because I am taking over an existing project. Lucky me. I was able to get the gpio assisted flash working well in...
View ArticleRe: I2C serial programming error on I2CWSD_7023
Hi Abuda, I couldn't find version of the software. However I have attached an image of error messages. First time I connect the cable and the board first two error message comes consecutively. But...
View ArticleRe: fully differential instrumentation amplifier
If the spike settles by the time you initiate the conversion, then you don't have a problem. If it hasn't settled by then, then you do.
View ArticleRe: AD7190/AD7192 Unipolar operation with Buffer
Hi Damien, Apologies for the delay. When the analog input buffers are enabled, AINCOM needs to be biased to some voltage above 0.25 V. The analog input voltage will be AIN1-AINCOM. So, AINCOM could be...
View ArticleCan I design a variable frequency filter for a Wah Wah effect?
Hey guys. I am trying to design a Wah Wah effect for guitar using the 1701 evaluation board. The textbook I'm using shows a signal flow graph that has a time varying band pass filter with variable...
View ArticleRe: AD7190/AD7192 Unipolar operation with Buffer
Hi Johnny, Thank you for the clear answer. Are there any special considerations for driving the reference input with a buffer? -- Damien
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