Re: Audio sample playback in sigmaDSPs?
OK, I found the answer, so here I will post a complete guide how to make a sound file into a set of numbers, suitable for loading into a look-up table. Hope it will be useful for somebody. 1. Create or...
View ArticleRe: Settling Time of AD7767?
Hi, Let me check on this. I'll get back to you soon. Regards,Karen
View ArticleRe: Product Information for Operational Amplifier
Hi Prasath, If you could give a list of those part numbers, I'd be glad to help procure any information that I can. Thanks, Kris
View ArticleRe: Under what conditions is it OK to use the on-board PLL multiplier?
Hi mantow, I think there is no general rule saying that an external PLL is always better than the internal. But since an external PLL can have the advantage of being isolated from the IC package and...
View ArticleRe: Capacitors for Vss,Vss and DVcc pins of AD5360
Hi, KenK Thank you for your reply.Its very helpful for me. Nom
View ArticleRe: ADXL362 powering with GPIO line.
Hi larsen, At this time the requirement is 0V. We have not yet identified a non-zero threshold value that will work in all cases. So far we have observed a part-to-part variation in the threshold, so...
View ArticleRe: Using EVAL-ADXRS624Z
Hi brsimon, Please take a look at the ADXRS624 Functional Block Diagram on page 1 of the product datasheet. This figure shows the connections required in a typical application. Without seeing your...
View ArticleAD8123 input pin
Hello all,In the case of input analog video signal to AD8123,1. which pins of INR, ING and INB should be used ?2. how should we connect not-used pin ? VOFFSET pin3. Can we apply negative voltage to...
View ArticleRe: DDS AD9910_PCBZ Single Tone Configuration and Hardware setup Required
Yes, the steps mentioned was during the POWER-ON state of the DUT. In order to read back, you can do that even while in external control setup. Bit 7 of the instruction byte just needs to be 1, that is...
View ArticleRe: AD9914 , BPSK realization
Hi johnconnor, I think it would be easier to use the profile modes since you are just using BPSK. This also hits your requirement where you needed 32 bit resolution for your FTW. The benefit of using...
View ArticleRe: RMS-DC converter AD8436 single supply questions
Hi John, Thanks for using ADI products for your application. With regards to your questions, please see my answer below. 1. To what is the output DC-voltage (OUT-pin) referenced? - The OUT pin is...
View ArticleRe: Product P/N: AD8138 Process Technology:
Hi, Prasath. I have already consulted this but for now, can you provide me more details on why you need this wafer fab process technology? Is this critical in your application? Regards,Anna
View ArticleRe: AD7357 conversion time
Hi, From the AD7357 datasheet, the conversion time is determined by the SCLK frequency used. Based on datasheet limits, conversion time ranges from 198.75ns to 31.005us. Can you share what your...
View ArticleRe: getting consistent output from ADIS 16375
Is it possible for the RST pin to have a path to zero? Another option might be the connection to the IMU in the socket. The missing data ready and 30mA are indicative of a failed startup process. BTW,...
View ArticleLoading into DSP, processing and playing externally prepared audio samples
Hello everybody!Recently I started a topic on a possibility of loading and playing/processing an external audio sample in SS (adau1701 in my case). Since new questions appeared, I decided to bring all...
View ArticleADL5375 image rejection problems
Hello, I am using the ADL5375 IQ modulator with the AD9122 DAC IQ outputs. The DAC outputs are lowpass filtered and the LO drive is single ended. The LO generator is not an ADI part, but generates the...
View ArticleRe: Loading into DSP, processing and playing externally prepared audio samples
Sorry a follow up question - how many numbers after period should I have for 5.23 format? 2^23 is 8.38861e+06, so probably 6? I know it is a stupid question, but I just couldn't find an answer anywhere.
View ArticleRe: Product P/N: AD8138 Process Technology:
Hello Anna, Thank You for your reply. As per the request from my Design Engineers team to me i requested this information as a Component Engineer. Can you please make us to understand the...
View Articleerror with AD5669R
sir: I use a AD5669-1 in my design, and I meet some strangeous errors that confused me. I configure the input register as follow. 1, start2, configure Internal reference;3, configure DAC channel A;4,...
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