I use a AD5669-1 in my design, and I meet some strangeous errors that confused me.
I configure the input register as follow.
1, start
2, configure Internal reference;
3, configure DAC channel A;
4, configure DAC channel C;
5, configure DAC channel E;
6, configure DAC channel G;
7, stop;
I configure the device AD5669R-1 according the I2C standard and the protocal defined in the datasheet. I peek the signal SDA and SCL with oscilloscope, and the signal is right on the wire. But after configuration, the VREFIN/VREFOUT pin output a voltage of 1.82V, while the correct output should be 1.25V. Besides, all the configured channels output a voltage of 2.08V, while the unused channel output a voltage of 0.58V.
What's the possible reason for this error?
Besides, after power-on and before configuration, the VREFIN/VREFOUT pin and all channel output the same voltage of 0.58V