Re: BF706 SPI Slave Boot issue
Your understanding is right.What is “normal interface” between MCU and ADSP-BF70x.Thanks,Jack
View ArticleRe: AD7960 misbehaves
Hi, About REFIN, I will check our evaluation board to see the default setting of JP7. Have you tried testing with JP7 connected 2 to center? REgards,Karen
View ArticleRe: ADV7630 SInk hotplug issue
Hi, Matt, do you have any feedback from the ADV7630 experts for this question?? Thanks! RegardsJoseph
View ArticleRe: Blackfin607 NOR Flashing
Hi Aaronwu,Thanks for prompt reply.I tried same as you suggested 1). bfin-uclinux-ldr -l u-boot/u-boot.ldr /dev/ttyUSB0~/blackfin-sources$ bfin-uclinux-ldr -l u-boot/u-boot.ldr /dev/ttyUSB0Loading...
View ArticleRe: Phase error of ADuCM350 as function of Phase
Hi Milan, Unfortunately we did not gather this swept phase error measurement - i.e. how accurate is the ADuCM350 at detecting changes in phase. The part was primarily designed for sensor RC...
View ArticleADV7441A/AD9388A support WUXGA resolution
Dear Experts, my customer is using the ADV7441A and AD9388 for the VGA+HDMI input, now they want to cehck whether the parts can support the WUXGA 1920x1200 60Hz resolution; As the...
View ArticleAD7265, diagnostic function ?
Hi, Could you please let us know if AD7265 is having self-test or self-diagnose function in it ?Or please suggest what is the best way to know whether AD7265 is working well or out-of-orders in...
View Articlemulticycle instructions / calculate cylces ->BF537 assembler
Hi, I have some questions concerning instruction cycles on BF537 processors- is there a tool/listing file to get an overwiev how many cycles are requested by handmade assembler function without...
View ArticleRe: Blackfin607 NOR Flashing
After the first half of the command, you should already have a uart version of u-boot running in your RAM, but:1) you need to make sure you are downloading the correct version, the uart version of...
View ArticleWhy the CM403F'ADC don't have the input signal,but also can read some data...
Hi all When I use the adc from the cm403f ,I find even I don't give the input signal,I also can read some data from the ADCC0_EVT00 register.The data is 0x4040 and sometime is 0xc040.When I give...
View ArticleAD8302 impedance measurement
Hi I would like to use the AD8302 for an impedance measurement application. The 2 input voltages for the AD8302 are the excitation voltage for the DUT and the response voltage (proportional to the...
View ArticleErroneous color result when SFL between ADV7180 and ADV7343
Hi, We are trying to use SFL, Subcarrier Frequency Lock, by using ADV7180 output SFL signal and receive it by ADV7343 on the prototyping board, not EVB.However picture which is output from ADV7343, is...
View ArticleRe: Memory usage and XIP in ram fs
ramfs doesn't support XIP? That's ... rather strange.
View ArticleRe: 100MHz to 4000MHz LNA
HiDepend on size and frequency, other candidate would be HMC580ST89. TQP- is 2x2mm and high linearity part. If frequency up to 1GHz is okay, HMC580ST89 has similar gain and OIP3, NF around 2.5dB.
View ArticleIs there any method that HDMI Rx device knows whether HDCP authentication...
Hello.I have a question about HDMI Rx device (ADV7611, ADV7612, ADV7614 etc.).Is there any method that HDMI Rx device knows whether HDCP authentication (checking revocation list) result is good or no...
View ArticleRe: fmcomms1 reference design of version1 and version2
Hi Marchzh, I do recommend to upgrade to Vivado 2013.4, if you can. (even if you need to get a 7 series development board, in order to do that). This project, which are you talking about, are really...
View ArticleRe: Re: AD633 error on LTSPICE
Thanks a lot Harry for your reply,Initially i am just making a test circuit as per the square circuit configuration given in data sheet by giving +_1V pulse wave as input. i even changed the rise...
View ArticleAD8250 output voltage offset differes from reference input
Hi! I have AD8250 instrumentation amplifier with +-5V supplies and with a 1,5V at the reference input pin.The reference comes from lo impedance source and the instrumentation amplifier's supply's are...
View ArticleAD9250 unusedd pin
Hi.In the case of not using "RFCLK" and "SYSREF+/-", how should I do these unused pins ?Should I connect these pins to ground or open ?Please let me know about this matter. Best Regards,
View ArticleRe: Sigma Studio Ver 3.11 Build 1. Rev 1356 Mixer Bug?
Hi, I didn't find the problem with the latest version. Could you share your project file? Then I can have a try. Thanks,Jun
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