I am using the latest version of fpgahdl_xilinx and no-OS sources (latest as of Jan 6/14) and running on the zc702 + FMCOMMS2 system. The project was created using version 14.4 tools.
To test the transmission of data from DDR memory, DAC_DMA was defined during software compilation. Under this configuration, we expect the following sine wave signal to be transmitted:
const uint16_t sine_lut[32] = {
0x000, 0x031, 0x061, 0x08D, 0x0B4, 0x0D4, 0x0EC, 0x0FA,
0x0FF, 0x0FA, 0x0EC, 0x0D4, 0x0B4, 0x08D, 0x061, 0x031,
0x000, 0xFCE, 0xF9E, 0xF72, 0xF4B, 0xF2B, 0xF13, 0xF05,
0xF00, 0xF05, 0xF13, 0xF2B, 0xF4B, 0xF72, 0xF9E, 0xFCE
Using chipscope, and observing the data lines dds_data_*, it seems that the data has been corrupted. (see attached file)
Has anyone else observed this behavior on the FMCOMM2 board? What should be done to fix this problem?
Best regards,