At present, I'm only attempting to program an in-house product using a flash programming driver I use regularly with VisualDSP++ 4.5 IDE. I built this driver using v4.5. So, I know this driver works for the target being programmed, but it was built using v4.5, Is this the source of the problem? Since it's worked two or three times, I'm hopeful it will work more regularly.
The flash device on what I'm currently attempting to program is:
MT48LC16M16A2FG-75 (16 Meg x 16 (4 Meg x 16 x 4 banks)) - two of these in parallel.
When I go back to the v4.5 IDE, I can still program this same unit that fails using v5.0 SAFP. I've not used the v5.0 IDE as yet since I'm still working to resolve licensing. For the programming task though, I shouldn't the v5.0 setup licensed for SAFP.
I have not received the 3rd-party units as yet, but expect the client will provide the driver along with the image files they currently use. I do not know the flash device details for these units as yet.