Hello, Guenter!
Please explain what is the difference between ADV7612 and ADV7511 power supply requirements?
Why on EVAL-ADV7612-7511 board power supplies for ADV7612 and ADV7511 are also different?
1). Why for ADV7612 1.8V and 3.3V power supplies LDOs with fixed voltage and soft-start ( ADP1715-1.8 and ADP1715-3.3 ) are used, but for ADV7511 1.8V and 3.3V power supplies LDOs with adjusted voltage and without soft-start ( ADP123-ADJ ) are used?
Note: fixed voltage versions of ADP123-ADJ exist in the same LDO family: ADP122-1.8 and ADP122-3.3.
2). Why for ADV7511 power supply EMC filters are used with follow-up Panasonic ELJ-FC100KF 10uH inductors, but for ADV7612 power supply EMC filters are used without inductors?