我将两块板子如附件图1中所示连接了起来,用电脑和数据采集板连接之后,使用Visual Analog 软件无法获取到数据。)
Hello Everyone, I am trying to connnect the evalution board of AD9222 to the capture board of HSC-ADC-EVALCZ.
I would like to get some data from the AD9222. but I have got some problems.
While I connected the two boards like that, and the usb to my computer, I could not get and data.(the Done Light on the board is on).
( 同时,当我运行SPI controller软件的时候,打开时发现碰到了如图2所示,但是我板子已经连接好。)
Meanwhile , when I run the SPI controller, I have got that Problem in the next picture.
(忽略之后,进入软件点击USB连接,我发现已经可以找到USB device,如图三所示,不知道什么问题,麻烦帮助解决~)
When I ignore it , I can go on, and through the button of the software, I can find a device.
I do not know where the problem is , I am looking forward to hearing from you people~