Hi Johnny,
My customer requires 4 load cells with individual monitoring. This is for a pretty big volume application of a few thousand per year.
I was initially planning on using two AD7192's with two load cells each.
They need to sense precise weight and movement and I need an update reate of 10 hz per channel so after I average in SW over 16 samples it will detect the motion fast enough.
I want to use the filters to reject 60hz and 120 hz.
So as I understand this, if I use two channels and SINC3 filter and run at a rate of 60 hz I will get 60/3/2 = 10 hz per channel, correct?
I was hoping to use chop but that adds another divide by 2 I think and wouldn't work.
I was also hoping to use one AD7193 4-channel part to do this with a single chip but looks like two AD7192's is the only way to get 10 hz per channel update with a 60 hz filter?
Any other suggestions?