In operating in single tone mode,
I use a power-down function of the software, and want to control the on / off DAC output(power-down) to each CH.
For example, the following is the setup procedure.
* SingleTone mode: set / update the register, DACOUT on,
CH1: Fout = xxxMHz, phase = 0deg
CH2: Fout = xxxMHz, phase = 90deg
* DAC power-down CH1 only; DAC power-down CFR [6]: 1
* DAC power-up CH1 only; DAC power-down CFR [6]: 0
* SingleTone mode: DACOUT on, + @ deg shift
CH1: Fout = xxxMHz, phase = 0deg + @deg ~
CH2: Fout = xxxMHz, phase = 90deg + @deg ~
In other words, After controlling the on / off DAC output(power-down) CH1,
is it phase continuous?
⊿ phase (CH1-CH2) = ⊿ 90deg ?
Fout: CH1 = CH2 = xxxMHz
Phase: CH2 = CH1 + ⊿ 90deg shift ?
Please advice for me.
Best Regards.