I have tried your suggestions where applicable to my custom board (R0xBA and R0x55) without success. At this time, and for my custom board, I have decided to a abandon the 10-bit multiplexed DDR input and will do some cuts & jumpers to input a true 20-bit non-multiplexes bus at SDR bus clock. Please close this ticket. I will report back when I have the 20-bit SDR bus implemented.
Thank you for your help. I realize that trouble-shooting on a custom PCB is difficult (at best) and that there are many more variables than working from an EVAL board. I will get back to you when I have made the needed cuts & jumpers.
As an aside, do most users of the ADV7511/7513 use the hard-wired H,V,DE? My board depends on embedded EAV/SAV syncs for convenience of frame-capture and later transmission after the frame buffer has added overlays. Perhaps H,V,DE re-generation out of our frame buffer is a better option if it provides a more tested approach for the ADV751X? Your thoughts are truly welcome.
Finally, I have looked at the ADV7511 EVAL board, but I fear that it is too removed from our project. Let's wait to see the results of returning to a true 20-bit non-multiplexed bus at SDR bus clock.
Again, thank you for help. Please close this thread at this time. I'll back in touch when I have a different bus input configuration.
Best regards,