Hi AudeR,
Your detailed explain is helpful for this issue.
Now, I have basic question and confusion about ADC operation.
Q1. In Sigma Delta ADC, Does previous sampled data affect to current conversion ?
e.g. This is sampled stream : Vin(t-2), Vin(t-1) Vin(t), Vin(t+1), Vin(t+2)......
Vin(t) is current sample.
To conversion Vin(t) , Does ADC use Vin(t-2) and Vin(t-1) ?
Q2. There are other type ADCs. Pipelined Flash ADC, SAR ADC.
I remember SAR ADC has exact independent between current sample conversion and previous conversion from earlier test.
Does Pipelined flash adc has same independence between conversions ?