Hi DaveD,
Our System Design:
ADV7611 ->LVDS Chip ->LCD(1280x800)
In ADvV7611 side We have set output Format for 24 Bit SDR RGB format.This output goes to input of LVDS(LVDS Accepts the 24 bit RGB format and HS/VS/DE/LLC) chip and LVDS output connectec to the LCD.
In Sony Xperia Z Phone Status while reading i got HDCP keys error was occur (HDMI 0x68 0x04 0x33).let me know the HDCP keys error is an major issue or not.
Non Working Sony Xperia Z Phone Status:
Incomog Resoulution 1280x720 and pixela datas:
HDCP key Error bit was set.
DE=43.26 KHz
Working Sony Laptop Status:
Incomog Resoulution 1280x720 and pixela datas:
HDCP key Error bit was not set.
DE=43.26 KHz
Both the Device i got same pixel data's but only few difference are their between sony Laptop and Xperia Z .
1. No AVI InfoFrame has been received within the last seven VSyncs in Xperia Z phone.
2. Hdcp Key Error Occur in Xperia Z phone.
If any other settings are available for status of output side of resolution.HDCP keys error is an major issue or not.