Lets suppose I have
Project1 with files P1.c P1.1.c P1.1.c
Project2 with file P2.c P2.1.c P2.2.c
and I want to use P1.c inside Project 2
with VDSP I could
Make Project 2 active -- add file P1.c to project
with CCES
I seem to need to do 'IMPORT' P1.c which makes a second copy of P1.c inside Project 2
which is not what I want to
With CCES -- do I have to access a copy of P1.c from say a CVS and place into Project 2
and then update P1.c from CVS everytime I want to recompile Project2
or do I have to do something else
I have used 'advanced' as option during import -- and generated virtual link (which is not a copy) inside src
but then make complains there is no rule to make P1.c when Project2 is compiled
however if I just has a virtual link that was not inside a directory -- it seemed to work
Is this the way CCES is supposed to work?