1. I tried with unknown resistors of 22 kOhms (that gives correct results), then 18 kOhms, 28 kOhms and 49.9 kOhms. In last three measurements the results are closed to 21-22 kOhms or they are totally unpredictable- 180 kOhms, 38 kOhms... Before that I tried with 49.9 kOhms as Rfb and in that case or measurement results are closed to that value (for 28, 22 and 18 kOhms). Because of that I think that there is some problem with my code and signed and unsigned values, it is obviously that results are ok only if unknown resistance is closed to calibration value. I used "AD5933 theoretical" for calculations and for my settings the resistance range is from 13 do 300 kOhms (see attachment).
2. Can we discuss about the following program sequence (for begging we can assume that function "write_byte" is written correctly).
unsigned char Rh, Rl, Ih, Il;
signed short int R, I;
double Z = 0.0, GF = 1.0, Result = 0.0;
//start frequency register - 50 kHz
Byte_write (0x84, 0x00);
Byte_write (0x83, 0x6A);
Byte_write (0x82, 0x18);
//frequency increment register - 1 kHz
Byte_write (0x87, 0x02);
Byte_write (0x86, 0x7D);
Byte_write (0x85, 0x00);
//number of increments - 10
Byte_write (0x89, 0x0A);
Byte_write (0x88, 0x00);
//settling time cycles register - 15
Byte_write (0x8B, 0x0F);
Byte_write (0x8A, 0x00);
//CONTROL register
//AD5933 in standby mode
Byte_write (0x80, 0xB0);
//internal clock 16.77 MHz
Byte_write (0x81, 0x00);
//range 1 (1vp-p, 1.6v) PGA = x1
Byte_write (0x80, 0x07);
Byte_write(0x80, 0x17); //initialize with start frequency
Byte_write(0x80, 0x27); //start sweep
//wait for correct results
while(!(Byte_read(0x8F) & 0x02));
//real data
Rh = Byte_read(0x94);
Rl = Byte_read(0x95);
R = 256*Rh+Rl;
//Imag data
Ih = Byte_read(0x96);
Il = Byte_read(0x97);
I = 256*Ih+Il;
//Z calculating
Z = sqrt(R*R+I*I);
Result = 1.0/(Z*GF);
Thanks in advance.