Hi there,
I'm strugglin getting my custom Hardware (ADSP-21469) flashed by a microcontroller.
Just to be safe, this is what I do:
- 214x SPI boot kernel (customized to match PLL to 400MHz and DDR2 settings)
- make a loader file with a pin toggle test program (the .dxe works with ADZS-USB-ICE Debugger)
- the loader file is in binary 8Bit format
- reset DSP, wait for RESET_OUT to go High
- pack the data in 48Bit Instructions (take 6 Bytes and send them reversed to the DSP)
- SPI mode is 3 and LSB first (to bit reverse the data)
- I send the data bit reversed (SPI Mode 3, LSB first)
- after the boot kernel (1536 bytes) I deassert the CS and wait a few ms
this is what makes debugging hard:
- I have no access to the Flag0-3 pins and not really to the SPI pins
- I can't find the "do not disturb" option in CCES.
- I would like to toggle a pin (e.g. DPI_P13) in the boot loader but sysreg_clr_bit doesn't work (error: 'The compiler version does not match the version of the sysreg.h include') >> any example around?
How can i check whats in the RAM during or after booting with an ADZS-USB-ICE?