I'm afraid I don't have your complete solution. Here's a few ideas:
- DC-DC Converter: To power your system, try the ADP1607 boost IC. The application circuit from its datasheet can convert inputs from 0.8V to 3.3V up to 3.3V. For additional help with this, feel free to ask in the Power Management space in Engineer Zone.
- Booting the ADAU1461: This SigmaDSP does not support self-boot, so it's designed to work with your system's microcontroller. You can boot the -1461 via its SPI or I2C interface, according to what's available in your system. Software is a bit trickier because it depends so much on which microcontroller or operating system (if any) you're designing with. There's many FAQs and support threads about booting SigmaDSPs from a uC, type boot sigma into the search box to find them.
- Clock: The -1461 has no on-chip crystal oscillator, rather it accepts an external MCLK input between 8 and 27 MHz. Your host microcontroller may have a suitable clock available.
Thanks for your question. Perhaps a member who has designed a ADAU1461 into their product (or an ADI applications engineer) could offer additional help.
Best regards,