My end customer use ADV7391 to do BT656 input and CVBS output,
But look like has no yellow color, if use internal color bar test pattern,
issue ths same.
Do you have any suggest?
RD Register set value as below,
//Set ADV7390
//56 00 1C ; Power up DACs and PLL
//56 01 00 ; SD only mode
//56 80 10 ; SSAF Luma filter enabled, NTSC mode
//56 82 CB ; Step control on, pixel data valid, pedestal on, CVBS out.
//56 87 20 ; PAL/NTSC autodetect mode enabled
//56 88 00 ; 8 bit input enabled
buf[0] = 0x1C;
ret = NEXUS_I2c_Write(i2cHandle_var, DISP_ADV7391_I2C_ADDR_def, 0x00, buf, 1);
buf[0] = 0x00;
ret = NEXUS_I2c_Write(i2cHandle_var, DISP_ADV7391_I2C_ADDR_def, 0x01, buf, 1);
buf[0] = 0x10;
ret = NEXUS_I2c_Write(i2cHandle_var, DISP_ADV7391_I2C_ADDR_def, 0x80, buf, 1);
buf[0] = 0xCB;
ret = NEXUS_I2c_Write(i2cHandle_var, DISP_ADV7391_I2C_ADDR_def, 0x82, buf, 1);
buf[0] = 0x20;
ret = NEXUS_I2c_Write(i2cHandle_var, DISP_ADV7391_I2C_ADDR_def, 0x87, buf, 1);
buf[0] = 0x00;
ret = NEXUS_I2c_Write(i2cHandle_var, DISP_ADV7391_I2C_ADDR_def, 0x88, buf, 1);