Hello Wolfgang.
We too use ADI video decoders ADV7184 and ADV7403 and too we have a similar problem
for NTSC 525i mode (http://ez.analog.com/message/44300#44300).
Decoder output signals jitter arises, when pixel clock frequency F_LLC = 27MHz becomes very much near
to quartz crystal frequency F_XTAL = 27MHz or 33/35 F_XTAL = 28.636MHz. If the difference
of these frequencies is less +/-10ppm then jitter reaches more than 100ns.
Thus, jitter value depends from ratio of frequencies of quartz crystals which are used for timing
in input video signal source and for generation of signal XTAL for video decoder.
You can check up my statements if will measure F_LLC and F_XTAL by a frequency metre
with 1Hz resolution. I think that the case shown blue in your drawing (EVAL_ADV7401/3 (525))
gives the least difference of frequencies.
At us this problem is not solved.