I think our developed script that most closely resembles your resolution - which I'm assuming is RGB - is the 1080p 60Hz script, which recommends the below writes. Of course the audio isn't necessary for DVI, so this could be trimmed down. But at least it might serve as a comparison point for debugging. BTW re. the i2c reg maps used: 40 is IO, 44 is CP, 68 is HDMI, and 30 is AFE.
40 0C 42 ; Power up part and power down VDP
40 F8 30 ; AFE Address to 30.
40 01 06 ; Prim_Mode =110b HDMI-GR
40 02 F7 ; Auto CSC, RGB out, Set ALT_DATA_SAT
40 03 42 ; 36 bit SDR 444 Mode 0
40 05 28 ; AV Codes Off
40 06 A7 ; Invert llc, invert VS and inver HS
40 0B 44 ; Power down ESDP block
40 14 7F ; Drive strength adjustment
40 15 80 ; Disable Tristate of Pins
44 69 30 ; Enable CP CSC
44 BA 01 ; Set HDMI FreeRun
44 CF 01 ; Power off macrovision
30 00 FF ; Power Down ADC's and there associated clocks
30 01 FE ; Power down ref buffer/bandgap/clamps/sync strippers/input mux/output buffer
30 B5 01 ; Setting MCLK to 256Fs
30 C8 40 ; ADI recommended setting
68 01 00 ; Enable clock terminators
68 0D 84 ; ADI recommended write
68 1A 0A ; Set Unmute Delay to 1_5 sec
68 3D 10 ; ADI Recommended Setting
68 3E 39 ; ADI recommended setting
68 57 90 ; Enable dynamic PLL control
68 58 01 ; Recommended PLL setting
68 59 A3 ; ADI recommended setting
68 93 8B ; Equaliser ADI recommended setting
68 94 2D ; Equaliser ADI recommended setting
68 96 01 ; Enable automatic EQ changing
68 1A 0A ; Unmute audio